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Public health and hygiene (semester-5) 2018- previous question papers download in telugu and English

Public health and hygiene (semester-5) 2018-previous question papers download in Telugu and English

Subject :-(Public health and hygiene)

Subject name :-(General Elective-1)

Year :-(2018,2019)

Hello students, I have a lot of previous question papers for every semester ( KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY).

And also I had collected the syllabus of the subject. Some students are asking that, to upload the syllabus of the subject as well as the previous question papers. When the syllabus of the subject changed, it is difficult to study the lesson for students. That's why I'm providing the syllabus of the subject with detailed information.



Nutrition and Environment

 1. balanced diet and Malnutrition 

2.Nutritional deficiencies and disorders Carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, and minerals 

3. Occupational, industrial, agricultural and urban Health Exposure at the workplace, urban areas, industrial workers, farmers  and agricultural workers, Health workers, and health disorders and diseases 

4. Environmental pollution and associated Health hazards, Waterborne diseases and Airborne diseases, 

Unit - II

Diseases and Health Care 

1. Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention Malaria, Filaria, Measles, Polio, Chickenpox, Rabies, Plague, Leprosy 

2. Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of non-communicable diseases - Hypertension, Coronary Heart diseases, Stroke, Diabetes, Obesity, and Mental ill health.  

3. Health care legislation in India - Termination of pregnancy act, Maternity benefit act, Biomedical waste act, ESI act.  

4. First Aid and Health awareness, personal health care record maintenance

Here, you can download the all previous question papers of any semester for free.

Public health and hygiene (General Elective-1) semester-5

Public health and hygiene (English medium) 2018 -question-paper download

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Public health and hygiene (Telugu medium) 2018 -question-paper download

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Public health and hygiene (English medium) 2018 (supply) -question-paper download

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Public health and hygiene (English medium) 2019 -question-paper download

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Some important questions in the public health and hygiene subject. 

Important Essay Questions:

 1. What is a Balanced Diet?  Explain about it.

  2. Explain various nutrients required in a balanced diet. 

 3. What is Nutrition?  Explain Malnutrition.  

4. What are Carbohydrates.  Explain the deficiency diseases of Carbohydrates. 

 5. What are Proteins?  Explain the deficiency diseases of Proteins.  

6. What are LIPIDS and their functions? 

 7. Give an account of Fat-Soluble Vitamins.  

8. What are vitamins?  Give an account of water-soluble vitamins and their deficiency symptoms. 

 9. What are micronutrients?  

Short Answer Questions: 

10. Balanced diet.

11. Nutrients required for a Balanced diet. 

 12. Nutrition.  

13. Mal Nutrition.  

14. Causes for malnutrition.  

15. Carbohydrates.  

16. Functions of Carbohydrates.  

17. Deficiency disorders of Carbohydrates.  

18. Functions of Proteins.  

19. Protein deficiency diseases.  

20. Kwashiorkor.

12 Marsumus 

13. Lipids (Fats). 

14. Vitamin-A. 

15. Vitamin D. 

16. Vitamin E. 

17. Vitamin C 

18. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine. 

19. Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin 

20. Vitamin B5 or niacin or Pellagra Preventing Factor (PPF). 

21. Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine. 

22. Vitamin B7 or Biotin. 

23. Vitamin B9 or Folic acid 

24. Calcium deficiency. 

25. Deficiency of Iron or Anaemia. 

26. Iodine / Goitre. 

27. Copper. 

28. Zinc. 

Unit-II : Health Care, Health Hazards and Pollution Essay Questions : 

1. Define Health and health hazards and mention its main categories. 

2. Explain effects of Health Hazards. 

3. Write about some work place hazards. 

4. Write a note on Occupational Diseases. 

6. What is air pollution. (Or) Mention the air pollutants and their sources. 

5. What is Environmental Pollution ?

7. Mention the Common air pollutants, their sources and pathological effects on Man. 

8. Mention the preventive measures of air pollution. 

9. What is water pollution. 

10. Mention the effects of Air Pollution.

11. Describe about life cycle and discase caused by Filaria worm or elephantiasis. 

12. Leprosy or Hansen's disease. 

13. Write a detailed account on POLIO. 

14. Write about HIV/AIDS. 

15. Write notes on Rabies. 

16. Cholera. 


18. Smallpox. 

19. Plague. 

20. Define Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD). 

21. What is Blood Pressure (BP) and explain about it. 

22. Explain about Hypertension. 

23. Describe Coronary Artery Disease (Ischemic heart disease). 

24. Write a note on Stroke (or) Cerebrovascular accident (CVA). 

25. Tachycardia and Bradycardia. 

26. Describe the Electro Cardiogram (ECG). 

27. Mention the heart diseases. 

28. Write notes on OBESITY. 

29. Malaria fever. 

30. Filaria / Elephantiasis. 

31. Leprosy. 

32. Polio. 

33. Rabies. 

34. Cholera.


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