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Cost Accounting (sem-5) 2018 previous question papers download in telugu and English

Cost Accounting (sem-5) 2018 previous question papers download in Telugu and English

Subject :-(Cost Accounting)

Subject name :-(common to all)

Year :-(2018,2019,2020)

Hello guys.... welcome to our platform"". On this page, you will get"Cost Accounting" previous question papers, which belong to KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY. Please try to understand my point students, this website is only to understand the pattern and model of question papers only.


Unit -I : 

Company Liquidation: Meaning - Modes - Contributory Preferential Payments Statements of Affairs - Liquidator's Remuneration - Preparation of Liquidator's Final Statement of Account ( Including problems ), 

Unit - II :

 Amalgamation ( AS - 14 ): Amalgamation: Like merger and purchase Calculation of Purchase Consideration - Accounting Treatment in the books of transferor and transferee companies. ( Including problems ) . 

Unit - III : 

Internal Reconstruction and Acquisition of Business: Internal Reconstruction: Accounting treatment - Preparation o final statement after reconstruction - Acquisition of business when a new set of books are opened - Debtors and Creditors took over on behalf of vendors - When the same set of books are continued ( including problems ). 

Unit - IV : 

Accounts of Banking Companies: Books and Registers maintained - Slip system of posting Rebate on Bills Discounted - Non- Performing Assets - Lega Provisions relating to final accounts - Final Accounts ( Including Problems ) 

Unit - V: 

Accounts of Insurance Companies and Insurance Claims: Introduction - Formats - Revenue Account - Net Revenue Account - Balance Sheet - Valuation Balance Sheet - Net Surplus - General Insurance Preparation of final accounts with special reference to Fire and Marine Insurance - Insurance claims - Meaning Loss of Stock and Assets - Average Clause - Treatment of Abnormal. Los - Loss of Profit ( Including problems ). 

Now with the use of the given link, you can download the Cost Accounting 2018 question paper.

Cost Accounting (semester-5)

Cost Accounting 2018 (Telugu medium)-question-paper download

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Now with the use of the given link, you can download the Cost Accounting 2019 question paper.

Some important questions which I have collected for you.

Important questions 

1. What is company liquidation?  Explain the methods by which the liquidation is done. 
2 Show the transaction report summary.  

3. Show the deficit account model.  

4. Show the liquidator final report account template.

5. Describe the powers and functions of the liquidator.

6. Inform about excess lenders.  Inform about liquidator rewards.  

7. What is a Contributor?  

8. Who gets the liquidator.  

9. Explain conjugation, fusion, reconstruction.  

10. What is a purchase reward?  Are there any different methods of its calculation?

(a) Write down any four benefits of cost accounting.  

(b) What is an ABC analysis?  Explain. 

(c) Calculate Economic Order Size from Data: Annual Consumption = 3,600 units, Order Cost Rs.  144 per order, carrying cost 20%, unit price Rs.  400.  

(d) Write the differences between direct and indirect labor.  

(e) Calculate two working week earnings - A and B from the following details.  They are paid according to the Merrick Differential Fee Method.  The general fee rate (up to 83% of standard production) is Rs.  40s.  Standard production is 40 units per week.  Labor output per week is A - 32 units, B - 42 units. 
(f) How are indirect costs (overhead) classified?  Discuss briefly.

(g) The principal cost of item A is Rs.  200 per unit, 20% on factory overheads major cost and 25% on administrative overhead works cost.  Calculate what the selling price should be to make a 25% profit on the selling price?  

(h) Calculate the value of the abnormal loss from the following details.  General production 18,000 units, actual production 17,000 units The general cost of general production is Rs.  54,000.


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