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DAA(Design and Analysis of Algorithm) 2018,2019,2020 previous question papers download

DAA(Design and Analysis of Algorithm) 2018,2019,2020 previous question papers download

Subject:- (Computer science)

Subject name :-(DAA-Design and Analysis of Algorithm)

Year :-(2018,2019,2020)

Hello guys.... welcome to our platform"". On this page, you will get"DAA(Design and Analysis of Algorithm)" previous question papers, which belong to KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY. Please try to understand my point students, this website is only to understand the pattern and model of question papers only.

The syllabus of DAA (Design and Analysis of Algorithm) is given below.

Syllabus of DAA( Design and Analysis of Algorithm)

Unit I:

Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency: 

The Analysis Framework Asymptotic Notations and Basic Efficiency Classes. Divide - and - Conquer Maximum - subarray problem, Strassen's algorithm for matrix multiplication. The substitution method for solving recurrences. The recursion - tree method for solving recurrences. The master method for solving recurrences. Dynamic Programming: Rod cutting, Matrix - chain multiplication, Elements of dynamic programming, longest common subsequence, Optimal binary search trees. Greedy Algorithms: An activity -selection problem, Elements of the greedy strategy, Huffman codes  Matroids, and greedy methods, task - scheduling problem as a matroid.

Unit II : 

Searching and Sorting Techniques : 

Review of elementary sorting techniques - selection sort, Bubble sort, insertion sort, more sorting techniques - quick sort, heap sort, merge sort, shell sort, external sorting. Limitations of Algorithm: Lower - Bound Arguments, Decision Tress, P, NP, and NP-Complete Problems. Polynomials and the FFT: Representing polynomials, The DFT and FFT, Efficient FFT implementations. Number - Theoretic Algorithms: Elementary number-theoretic notions, Greatest common divisor ( GCD ), Modular arithmetic, Addition and Multiplication of two large numbers.

Unit Ill: 

String Matching:

The naive string -matching algorithm, The Rabin Karp algorithm String matching with finite automata, The Knuth Morris Pratt algorithm NP-Completeness: Polynomial-time, Polynomial-time verification, NP-completeness and reducibility, NP-complete, NP-Complete problems.  Approximation Algorithms: The vertex - cover problem, The traveling - salesman problem.  The set - covering problem, Randomization, and linear programming.  The subset - sum problem.  

Unit IV: 

Elementary Graph Algorithms: 

Representations of graphs, Breadth-first search, Depth-first search, Topological sort, strongly connected components Minimum Spanning Trees: Growing a minimum spanning tree, the algorithms of Kruskal and Prim Single - Source Shortest Paths: The.  Bellman-Ford algorithm, Single-source shortest paths in directed acyclic graphs, Dijkstra's algorithms, Difference constraints, and shortest paths, Proofs of shortest - paths properties.  * *

Now with the use of the given link, you can download the DAA(Design and Analysis of Algorithm) 2018 question paper.

DAA- Design and Analysis of Algorithm (semester-4)

DAA- Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2018 -question-paper download

Click the link below to download the PDF file

Now with the use of the given link, you can download the DAA(Design and Analysis of Algorithm) 2019 question paper.

DAA- Design and Analysis of Algorithm 2019-question-paper download

Click the link below to download the PDF file

Now with the use of the given link, you can download the DAA(Design and Analysis of Algorithm) 2020 question paper.

Important questions

1. Define an algorithm. What are the different criteria that satisfy the algorithm?
2. What is Pseudocode ? Explain. 
3. What is analysis of algorithms ? Explain. (Or) Explain the terhms - Space complexity and time complexity. 
4. What is asymptotic notation ? Explain giving examples. 
5. What are efficiency classes ? Explain. What are steps in efficiency analysis. 
6. What is empirical analysis of algorithms ? 
7. What is divide-and-conquer method ? What are its. advantages? Explain its applications. Give one example. 
8. What is maximum sub array problem ? Explain giving an example. 
9. Explain Strassen's Matrix Multiplication algorithm. 
10. Explain the substitution method for solving recurrences. 
11. What is recurrence tree method ? Explain giving one example. 
12. Explain the master method for solving recurrences. 
13. What is dynamic programming problem. 
14. What is matrix chain multiplication ? Explain the problem formulation. 
15. What is dynamic programming approach ? What is dynamic programming formulation ?

So, students, the information is given on this page was collected by us for you to help with your preparation. And achieve more marks in your exam. And also I will uploads the every year previous question papers regularly.

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If you want any previous question paper of any year, you just need to comment below to us. And we will give reply to your message as soon as possible. And also we will try to upload the information whatever you want.....


  1. sir...please upload DAA 2020 question papers...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Okay...I will definitely try to upload the question paper as soon as possible.....but please remember these words,the question papers for only purpose of understanding the pattern and model of a question paper....


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