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DBMS ( Data Base Management System) sem-3_2017,2018,2019 previous question papers download

DBMS ( Data Base Management System) sem-3_2017,2018,2019 previous question papers download

Subject :-(Computer science)

Subject name :-(DBMS)

Year :-(2017,2018,2019)

Hello guys.... welcome to our platform"". On this page, you will get"DBMS (Data Base Management System)" previous question papers, which belong to KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY. Please try to understand my point students, this website is only to understand the pattern and model of question papers only.

The syllabus of DBMS is given below.

Syllabus of DBMS( Database Management System)

Unit - I :

Introduction Database System Application, Purpose of Database System, View of Data, Database Language. Relational Databases, Database Design, Data Storage and Querying, Transaction Management, Database Architecture, Database Users and Administrators Introduction to the Relational Model Structure of Relational Databases, Database Schema, Keys Schema Diagrams, Relational Query Languages, Relational Operations.

 Unit - II :

 Database Design and the E - R Model: Overview of the Design Process, The Entity-Relationship Model, Constraints, Removing Redundant Attributes in Entity Sets, Entity - Relationship Diagrams, Reduction to Relational Schemas, Entity Relationship Design Issues, Extended E - R Features, Alternative Notations for Modeling Data, Other Aspects of Database Design. Relational Database Design: Features of Good Relational Designs, Atomic Domains and First Normal Form, Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies, Functional Dependency Theory, Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies. More Normal Forms, Database - Design Process. 

Unit - III : 

Database - System Architecture: Centralized and Client-Server Architecture, Server System Architectures, Parallel System, Distributed Systems, Network Type. Introduction to SQ: Overview of the SQL Query Language, SQL Data Definition, Basic Structure of SQL Queries, Additional Basic Operation, Set Operations, Null Value, Aggregate Functions, Nested Subqueries, Modification of the Database.

 Unit - IV : 

Intermediate SQL: Join Expressions, Views, Transactions, Integrity Constraints, SQL Data Types and Schemas, Authorization.

Now with the use of the given link, you can download the DBMS(Database management system) 2018 question paper.

DBMS (semester-3)

DBMS- Data Base Management System 2017 -question-paper download

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DBMS- Data Base Management System 2018 -question-paper download

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Now with the use of the given link, you can download the DBMS(Database management system) 2019 question paper.

DBMS- Data Base Management System 2019 -question-paper download

Click the link below to download the PDF file

Some important questions of DBMS( Database Management System) are given below.

Important questions 

1. Explain the role and advantages of the DBMS.  

2. What are the various types of databases?  Explain.  

3. Write about a conventional file processing system. What are its drawbacks?  

4. Explain about database system environment.  

5. Explain any five DBMS functions.  

6. What is the relational model?  Explain its advantages and disadvantages.  

7. Define Data model?  And explain the classification of the data model?   

8. Explain about relational data model with example.  

9. Explain different steps used in database design.  

10. Explain the classification of data models depending on levels.  (Or) What are the levels of data abstraction?  

11. What do you mean by Client-Server Systems?  

12. Explain the two-tier Architecture?  (Or) Explain the client / Server Architecture?  

13. Explain about 3 tiered Architecture?  

14. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of 3 tier Architecture.  

15. Describe Eleven functions that should be addressed to achieve effective database administration? 

16. Discuss the abilities and responsibilities of DBA. 

17. Explain about the DBA's technical role. 18. Explain various keys used relational database model. 

19. Explain about various relations set operators. (Or) Explain about relational algebra.

 Short Answer Questions: 

1. What is database design? Explain its importance. 

2. Explain the terms structural independence and data independence. 

3. What is data redundancy ? What are it's disadvantages. 

4. What is the purpose of database system? 

5. What are the drawbacks conventional file processing systems? 

6. What are the advantages of database system approach? 

7. Describe how the following components of an ER diagram are transferred to relations. 

(a) Regular entity type ; 

(b) Relationship (1: M); 

(c) Relationship (M : N); 

(d) Relationship (super type / sub type); 

(e) Multivalued attribute; 

(f) Weak entityl; 

(g) Composite attribute.


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