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Maths-5(solid geometry) 2019 previous question papers download in telugu and English

Maths-5(solid geometry) 2019 previous question papers download in Telugu and English

Subject :-(Maths)

Subject name :-(Solid geometry)

Year :-(2019)

Hello guys.... welcome to our platform"". On this page, you will get"Maths (solid geometry)" previous question papers, which belong to KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY. Please try to understand my point students, this website is only to understand the pattern and model of question papers only.

Syllabus of maths (solid geometry)

The Plane 

1 Equation of a plane 

2 Shortest distance from a point to a plane and related results 

3 Angle between two planes 

4 Planes bisecting the angles between two planes 

5 Joint equation of two planes 

6  Projections on a plane 

The Straight Line 

1.  Symmetric form of equations of a line 

2 Changing the equations of a line into symmetrical form 

3 Angle between a line and a plane 

4 Incidence and Coplanarity 

5 Skew lines and the shortest distance between them 

6 length of  the perpendicular from a point to a line 

7 Intersection of three planes 

8 Straight line intersecting two given lines 


1 Equation of Sphere 

2 Plane Sections and Circles 

3 Tangent Lines and Tangent Planes 

4 Polar plane and Conjugacy 

5 Angle of the intersection of two spheres 

6 Radical Plane and Coaxial Systems 

Cone, Cylinder 

1 Equation of cone 

2 Quadric Cones and Generators 

3 Tangent lines and Tangent planes at a point 

4 Cones with a common vertex and Reciprocal cones 

5 Right Circular Cone 

6 Cylinder 

7 Right circular cylinder 

The Conicoid 

1 The general equation of second degree - 

2 Standard equation and nature of central conicoids 

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Maths_(solid geometry) (semester-5)

Maths (solid geometry)_(sem-5) 2019(English medium)-question-paper download

Click the link below to download the PDF file

Maths (Solid geometry)_(sem-5) 2019(Telugu medium)-question-paper download

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Some information about the subject 

Geometry Concepts and Coordinate Systems 

We learned how to find the position of a point in a plane concerning a system involving two mutually perpendicular straight lines called X and Taxes and the point of their intersection as the origin of reference.  To find the position of a point not in this plane, this system is not sufficient.  For example, with the help of the axes drawn on the floor of a room, we cannot locate a point on the roof of that room.  This is due to the room having three dimensions which we call length, breadth, and height.  A box, a ball, a pillar, a conical funnel, etc., are objects which occupy points in three-dimensional space (R).  The branch which deals with the nature and findings of such object in R 'is known as "three-dimensional geometry" or "solid geometry" In R' we take any point 'O' and three straight lines X'OX, YOY, LOL which are mutually perpendicular.  [Here after we write 'line' for straight line].  These lines are called X, Y, and Z axes.  The plane determined by X'OX and Y'OY is called the XOY plane or XY plane.  The plane is determined by Y'OY and Z'OZ as YZ plane and the plane is determined by Z'OZ X'OX as the ZX plane. 

If you want any previous question paper of any year, you just need to comment below to us. And we will give reply to your message as soon as possible. And also we will try to upload the information whatever you want.....


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