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Physics (Electro Magnetism) sem-5_2018 previous question papers download in telugu and English

Physics (Electro Magnetism) sem-5_2018 previous question papers download in Telugu and English

Subject :-(Physics)

Subject name :-(Electro Magnetism)

Year :-(2018)

Hello guys.... welcome to our platform"". On this page, you will get"Physics (Electro Magnetism)" previous question papers, which belong to KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY. Please try to understand my point students, this website is only to understand the pattern and model of question papers only.

Hello my dear degree students, on this page you will get all previous question papers for semester-5 of every year. KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY previous question papers uploaded to understand the pattern and important questions. To download the PDF file of question papers just follow our instructions. If you found any problem downloading the PDF file, then please kindly comment below to us. And we will solve the problem as soon as possible. And we give reply to your comment.

And also I have collected the all information about the subject on this page. It is more useful for your study. And also I have uploaded this PDF file of question papers, to understand the model paper, pattern of question papers and this will helps you to better prepare. You just follow our instructions to download the PDF file whichever you want.

I have a lot of previous question papers for every semester ( KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY).

Here, you can download the all previous question papers of any semester for free.

Here, the links are given below to go to the "download page" of the question paper.

Now with the use of the given link, you can download the Physics (Electro Magnetism) (paper-5) 2018 question paper.

Physics_(Solid State Physics) (semester-5)

Physics (Electro Magnetism)_(sem-5) 2018(English medium)-question-paper download

Click the link below to download the PDF file

Physics (Electro Magnetism)_(sem-5) 2018(Telugu medium)-question-paper download

Click the link below to download the PDF file

Important questions

1. Derive an expression for potential 
(V) as a function of electric field (E). 
2. Explain about irrotational nature of electric field. 
3. Calculate the electric potential on the surface of nucleus having radius of 3,14 x 10meter. The atomic number of silver is 47 and e = 1.6 x 10 coulomb. 
4. Derive an expression for the force acting between two parallel current carrying conductors. 
5. Derive the expression for curl and divergence of magnetic field B. A long straight wire carries current of 10 ampere. 
6. Find the magnetic field at a distance of 1Ocm from the wire. 
7. What is electromagnetic induction? State Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction. 
8. State and explain Lenz's law. How it supports law of conservation of energy?
9. In a car spark coil, e.m.f. of 20,000 volt is induced in the secondary when the primary current charges from 4 amp to 0 amp in 20 us. Find the mutual inductance between the primary and secondary windings of this spark coil. 
10. Write derivative form of Maxwell's equation in free space. 
11. Derive Maxwell modified amperes law. 
12. Show that has same dimensions as velocity. Where u is permeability and E is permittivity of medium.
13. (a) Define electric flux and Gauss's law and derive expression fot electric final strength at a point near the infinite plane sheet of charge. 
(b) Define potential. Calculate the electric potential from electric field lor a spherical charge distribution. 
14. (a) Find the magnetic field intensity at a point on the axis of a circular coil cHrrying current. Show by a graph the field varics along the axis. 
(b) Explain the torque acting on a current loop. Give the theory of ballistic galvanometer. 
15. (a) State and explain Faraday's and Lenz's law in electromagnetic induction. Derive an expression for the self inductance of a long solenoid. 
(b) Write Maxwell's equations in differential and integral forms 
16. (a) Starting from Maxwell's cquation, derive the wave equation for E and B in dielectric medium. 
(b) Define reflection coefficient and transmission cocfficient. Derive their value of E vector in case of reflection from perfect dielectric.

So, students, the information is given on this page was collected by us for you to help with your preparation. And achieve more marks in your exam. And also I will uploads the every year previous question papers regularly.

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