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Zoology (Applied Zoology) bzc sem-5 2017 previous question papers download in telugu and English

Zoology (Applied Zoology) sem-5 2017 previous question papers download in Telugu and English

Subject :-(zoology)

Subject name :-(Applied Zoology)

Year :-(2017)

Hello guys.... welcome to our platform"". On this page, you will get"Zoology (Applied Zoology)" previous question papers, which belong to KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY. And also Please try to understand my point students, this website is only to understand the pattern and model of question papers only.

Syllabus of Applied zoology 

Unit - 1 

Cell Biology

1.  Cell theory, Differences of Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells, Ultrastructure of animals cell 

2.  Structure and functions of plasma membrane proteins.  

3.  Structure and functions of cell organelles - Endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi body, Ribosomes, Lysosomes, centrosomes, Mitochondria, and Nucleus.  

4.  Chromosomes - Structure, types, giant chromosomes 

5.  Cell Division - Mitosis, Meiosis 6 Cell cycle and it's regulation 

Unit - 2

 Molecular Biology: 

7.  DNA (Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid) - Structure, DNA Replication 

8.  RNA (Ribo Nucleic Acid) - Structure, types.  

9.Protein Synthesis - Transcription and Translation 

10. Gene Expression - Genetic Code;  operon concept 

11. Molecular Biology Techniques - Polymerase Chain Reaction, Electrophoresis 

Unit - III 


12 Medals laws of Inheritance and Non - Mendelian Inheritance 

13. Linkage and Crossing over 

14. Sex determination and sex-linked inheritance 

15. Chromosomal Mutations -  Deletion, Duplication, Inversion, Translocation, Aneuploidy and Polyploidy, Gene mutations - Induced versus Spontaneous mutations 

16. Inborn errors of metabolism.  

17. One gene-one enzyme, on gene-one polypeptide theory.  

Unit - IV 


18. Theories of evolution - Lamarckism, and Neo - Lamarck ism, Darwinism and Neo - Darwinism, Modern synthetic theory.  

19. Evidence of Evolution and Hardy Weinberge law

20. Forces of Evolution - mutation, gene flow, genetic drift, and natural selection, Isolation - Pre - mating and pos mating isolating mechanisms, Speciation: Methods o speciation - Allopatric and sympatric 

21. Causes and Role of Extinction in Evolution.

On this page you will get all previous question papers for semester-5 of every year. KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY previous question papers uploaded to understand the pattern and important questions. To download the PDF file of question papers just follow our instructions. If you found any problem downloading the PDF file, then please kindly comment below to us. And we will solve the problem ASAP. And we give reply to your comment.

And also I have collected the all information about the subject on this page. It is more usable for your study. And also I have uploaded this PDF file of question papers, to understand the model paper, pattern of question papers and this will helps you to better prepare. You just follow our instructions to download the PDF file whichever you want.

I have a lot of previous question papers for every semester ( KAKATIYA UNIVERSITY).

Here, you can download the all previous question papers of any semester for free.

Here, the links are given below to go to the "download page" of the question paper.

Now with the use of the given link, you can download the Zoology (Applied Zoology) (paper-5) 2018 question-paper.

Zoology (Applied Zoology)_ (semester-5)

Zoology (Applied Zoology)_(sem-5) 2017(English medium)-question-paper download

Zoology (Applied Zoology)_(sem-5) 2017(Telugu medium)-question-paper download

Important questions

Answer any eight questions: 
(a) Write about various types of Nets used in Capture fishery. 
(b) Explain transportation of Fish seed. 
(c) Explain functioning of a Hatchery System. 
(d) Explain different equipment used in Silkworm rearing. 
(e) Explain the collection and preservation of Mulberry Silk Cocoons. 
(f) Write about Protozoan diseases caused in silkworms. 
(g) Explain the byproducts of Apiculture. 
(h) Explain different equipments used in Apiculture. 
(i) Explain the economic importance of Vermiculture. 
(j) Explain the possibilities for keeping the poultry as self-employment. 
(k) Explain fungal diseases in Poultry. 

1. Explain artificial insemination and its importance. 
2. (a) What is induced breeding? Give a detailed account of induced breeding of fish. 
(b) Write an essay on various types of preservation and processing methods of fishes. 
3. (a) Describe the life history of Mulberry Silkworm. 
(b) Describe different rearing methods used in Mulberry Silkworm.
4. (a) Give a detailed account of different honeybees involved in Apiculture. 
(b) Discuss in detail about Vermi composting. 
5. (a) Describe different management approaches in poultry industry. 
(b) Write in detail about Animal Husbandry.

So, students, the information is given on this page was collected by us for you to help with your preparation. And achieve more marks in your exam. And also I will uploads the every year previous question papers regularly.

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If you want any previous question paper of any year, you just need to comment below to us. And we will give reply to your message as soon as possible. And also we will try to upload the information whatever you want.....


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